Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Welcome to RejenX, the Resveratrol Company.

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Welcome to RejenX, the Resveratrol Company.                              order_bottle.jpg

The Complete Optimal Resveratrol Experience” and would you expect anything less from the Resveratrol Company, RejenX? We have been asked, “Why don’t you make the same medical claims that some other companies are making about resveratrol?” There are several reasons, the most important being the fact that the FDA does not allow health claims in relationship to resveratrol or any other nutritional product. The health and nutrition industry and many of its participants have been known to vilify the FDA for shutting down companies that have made health claims in the past, but let’s look at it from another point of view. What if the FDA had no authority to stop companies from making such claims? The entire industry would quickly spin into total chaos and it would quickly melt down to who could out claim whom. Yes, resveratrol is an incredible, natural compound and probably the greatest health breakthrough in our lifetime, but without the regulations against making claims, finding the real products would be nearly impossible. The claim restrictions force a product to stand on its own merit and here at RejenX we are completely comfortable with that and not at all surprised that our product continues to rise to the top.

As the Resveratrol Company, RejenX chooses not to get into such claims. Instead we are focused on producing the best possible product we can. Though resveratrol claims are everywhere, finding a quality product in this “say anything to make a buck” market will prove to be your biggest challenge. Sadly many will be tricked into purchasing an inferior resveratrol product, experience no positive results and assume that resveratrol is not all it’s cracked up to be; never stopping to think that perhaps the product they took might not have been a quality resveratrol product. In fact the odds are strongly against it.

When we started RejenX, resveratrol was a word very few had ever heard of and even fewer could pronounce; and now that resveratrol is not just in the news but has quickly become the news, it’s not surprising to see that more and more products are popping up carrying the name resveratrol. When we talked about the formation of the RejenX, we knew that due to the landslide of recently published research and the patterns of past breakthroughs we had seen within the nutritional industry, this was sure to happen. We also knew that when it did, the nutritional wolves would not be far behind; and with a few label semantics, smoke and a few mirrors they would deceive a great deal of the public. From the beginning RejenX was built with a long term commitment to quality, not hype. We will not get dragged into the Claim Game. Those that are out there making claims are playing the odds that there are so many doing it, that they will make their money and move on before the FDA catches up with them; giving no thought to the customers that have placed their trust and faith in them. From the beginning of commerce there has always been a large contingent of “get the money and run” business types.


So, how do you avoid this segment of society? The first step you can take is to avoid any company making health claims as this should tell you very clearly that if they do not have the business sense or ethics to follow the laws that govern the very industry that they occupy, you can be sure that the same values have been applied to their entire business model; including the quality, validity and labeling of their product. After that, follow the check list above. Apples to apples we are confident that CORE will rise to the top in your search, not just for a complete, optimal resveratrol experience but a company that truly stands behind it. Do not gamble with your health or your money, make sure your resveratrol product is from the Resveratrol Company, RejenX.



Good Manufacturing Practice or GMP (also referred to as 'cGMP' or 'current Good Manufacturing Practice') is a term that is recognized worldwide for the control and management of manufacturing and quality control testing of foods, pharmaceutical products, and medical devices.

GMP takes the holistic approach of regulating the manufacturing and laboratory testing environment itself. An extremely important part of GMP is documentation of every aspect of the process, activities, and operations involved with drug and medical device manufacture. If the documentation showing how the product was made and tested (which enables traceability and, in the event of future problems, recall from the market) is not correct and in order, then the product does not meet the required specification and is considered contaminated (adulterated in the US). Additionally, GMP requires that all manufacturing and testing equipment has been qualified as suitable for use, and that all operational methodologies and procedures (such as manufacturing, cleaning, and analytical testing) utilized in the drug manufacturing process have been validated (according to predetermined specifications), to demonstrate that they can perform their purported function(s).

In the US, the phrase "current good manufacturing practice" appears in 501(B) of the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21USC351).[1]



This is an area of much debate among the vitamin companies and so-called "nutritionists." There is no debate in this area among high-level athletes, endocrinologists, and independent researchers. The logic is very simple: hot processing destroys nutrients.

When you see "ascorbic acid" rather than "vitamin C" on a label, you are seeing a hot-processed chemical devoid of the nutrients that allow your body to use vitamin C. Cold-processed rose hips, for example, contain all the phytochemicals, enzymes, and complementary nutrients (other than B vitamins) that give natural vitamin C sources their anti-aging and regenerative powers. Ascorbic acid does not.

Cold-processed supplements cost more. But, their absorption is far higher and so your cost per unit used is far less than for hot-processed. To get the same nutritional results, you would spend far more on hot-processed supplements.




Nanotechnology can be defined in a variety of ways, but the one common component is that it is technology that deals with materials smaller than 100 nanometers (especially with the manipulation of individual molecules). One definition states that nanotechnology is the art and science of manipulating matter at the nanoscale to create new and unique materials and products. How small is a nanometer? Really, really small—too small to see, even with a light microscope or basic electron microscope. One comparison is that a nanometer is to a meter as the diameter of a dime is to the diameter of the earth.

This technology opens up a new era of super advanced supplements, never thought possible. Nano-encapsulating takes the process of micro encapsulation, a means for drug delivery pioneered by the pharmaceutical industry, and improves solubility of vitamins, antioxidants, healthy omega oil fractions and other nutrients. Nano Technology allows us to isolate X nutrient or Y nutrient into particles small enough from the beginning to be fully absorbed, so you get maximum health benefits from it.


For a supplement to work effectively, the right amount must be presented to the right place in the human body. To get there it must pass through cell membranes. The speed and extent of which it moves through those cell membranes is described as absorption rate. The amount of the supplement that reaches central circulation is described as the ‘bioavailability’ of that supplement. Example; something that is administered intravenously has, by definition, a bioavailability of 100%, because all of it reaches central circulation.

As mentioned before, the biggest factor determining the absorption rate of a supplement is its particle size and this is also related to the solubility of the supplement. Solubility is the level of which a substance can be properly dissolved. Supplements that are not soluble, i.e.; the particles are too big, cannot easily enter cells. Therefore the bulk of the supplement you ingest is not absorbed through the stomach and the intestines. It passes straight out of the body. You have just wasted your money.


No more being mislead by food and nutritional companies saying that their product contains X nutrient or Y nutrient only to find that none of it, or maybe only a small portion of it, will actually enter our body because of the processing it undergoes in our digestive system.

In the world of supplementation, it sounds good to have a great formulation, but that formulation must also reach the parts of the body that can utilize it. It needs to get in there quickly and with a sufficient dosage to achieve its purpose. Otherwise it’s useless. This makes the absorption rate of the supplement so important. Supplements that are easily absorbed are usually safer because there is less stress on the digestive system and wasted material does not have to be expelled through the liver and kidneys.



You would be amazed if you found out what manufacturers can legally put into supplements in terms of additives, binders and fillers without having to list these items on the label. Most all of them utilize raw materials containing; lactose, sodium benzoate, BHA, BHT, and hydrogenated oils as fillers and preservatives. These ingredients often cause allergic reactions, and many are harmful to the person ingesting them.



These same companies utilize lubricants and flowing agents such as stearic acid, magnesium stearate and ascorbyl palmitate.

Magnesium stearate appears by far the most popular one. Read the labels! They add absolutely no value to the supplement content. Their only purpose is to make the manufacturing process easier because they keep ingredients from sticking to the machinery. These lubricants are saturated fats. They tend to engulf the active ingredients which interferes with their absorption. It is like throwing a good portion of your supplements into the toilet.



Whenever you use supplements in tablet form, beware! All tablets contain binders and glues to keep their shape. Many tablets contain artificial coloring agents to make them look "prettier". Titanium Oxide as a "whitening agent" is just one example.

Again, these additives often cause allergic reactions, and many are detrimental to your health. RejenX does not utilize any of the above mentioned additives, flowing agents, or fillers.




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